Saturday, March 3, 2018


Completing my second 30 PAINTINGS IN 30 DAYS challenge feels great.  Probably the most important part of doing such a challenge is having the discipline to keep painting regardless of what life throws at you during this time.  That said, there are so many rewards that come from this experience.
First there were the many dogs and cats with whom I got acquainted as I took their photos.  Second there were all the friends who sent pix of their pets for me to paint.  A huge thank you to all of you, even if I couldn't paint every single one.
Then there were the learning experiences involved in painting the variety of coats and colors in each of the animals. And most important, as with painting people, there was the need to capture the essence of each of these beautiful animals.

If I've learned one thing about painting over the last 10 years, it's that close observation -- really looking at what you want to paint -- is the best way to become a better painter.
Chery Baird, my painting mentor, constantly reminds all of her students that you have to paint everyday, paint a thousand paintings before you can be good at what you do.  I would add, as nearly all of the great masters I've studied have said, that you will always have more to learn no matter how good you get.  That's what keeps me coming back to the studio, SO MUCH TO LEARN, SO LITTLE TIME.

  I'm moving on now to other projects that have been put on hold, so WATCH THIS SPACE  to see what I'm working on next.


  1. Congratulations on completing the challenge! Great collage!

    1. Thanks Chris. It really was so much fun to paint all these cuties. I'd love for you to visit my website and see some of my other work.
      Were you in the challenge too?

  2. Lovely work Sherry, I think I must have missed seeing your posts on Leslie's page but Your collage sure caught my eye. I think painting animals is an extra challenge - great job!

  3. Thank you Val-- I appreciate your compliment. You never know what you are capable of until you try. I have painted a lot of human portraits but not many animals until this challenge. So glad I did it. Liked your blog -- keep at it.
    Happy Painting.
