As 2017 draws to a close, I'm taking the time to clean and re-organize my studio and my thinking before beginning projects for several 2018 shows.
Cleaning the studio is always a treasure hunt as items found or purchased early in the year are stored away and then forgotten, but reappear and stimulate new ideas. These ideas often require experimentation (translation fun time) to see what works and what doesn't.
These experiments help to generate goals for the coming year, something that really helps me to stay focused. Toward the end of the year I tend to run out of steam and

I thought perhaps I would share this process and see if anyone else goes through something similar or if you rely on your Muse to show up when you need her.
Before writing down my goals, I like to brainstorm -- sit with a piece of paper and a pen and just write down random words and thoughts about what worked and what didn't during this past year. Also, anything that has caught my attention but that I didn't explore.
Next I write down a list of potential goals, not worrying about how many or if they are reasonable. Just getting them down on paper. I think about the shows I want to enter and if they have any special requirements, then I pare down the list to four or five general challenging but reachable goals. These will be reviewed at intervals during the year to see if they still make sense.
Once I have some general goals, I write goals for the first six months of the year that are related to the general goals, but more specific and to which I attach a time frame. Without a deadline, they would probably go undone since I tend to work best under a little (sometimes a lot of) pressure. Once the goals are in place, I take up the ones for each month where I can see them each day when I enter my studio. I don't have to be rigid about adhering to them but they sure help to keep me on track when I want to just goof off.
Things to come:
One of my main goals for next year is to Produce More Meaningful Work in Series rather than one offs.
One of my goals for January is to enter the 30 Paintings in 30 Days paint off that I did last September. I hope you'll follow this challenge -- watch for a hint of what I'll be working on in my next blog post.
About these images: in experimenting with some new collage ideas one of the processes I use for an abstract is to turn it in all directions to decide which one works best. That's sort of the same process I use when setting goals.
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